Two people hold electrical circuits

Computer scientists and engineers study the design and architecture of digital systems, their properties, and their application. Computing is the field driving the societal, industrial, and technological advances of this century โ€” from transforming what humans can do (through information technology, data science, e-commerce, and more), to how they communicate (via the web, social networks, mobile devices, and virtual/augmented reality).

Computing at UC Santa Cruz has gained international recognition.ย With our proximity to Silicon Valley and outstanding research, we are a leader in computing research and education. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Computer Science and Engineering. For more information about our graduate programs, contact theย graduate advising team.

4+1 Pathway to CSE

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers a five-year bachelor’s/master’s pathway, which gives a competitive edge to students who are completing their undergraduate degree at UC Santa Cruz. The pathway enables those with advanced preparation to move directly from the undergraduate to the graduate program and complete an M.S. degree with as few as seven courses beyond the bachelorโ€™s degree. Baskin Engineering undergraduate students from any major can apply to the pathway.

3D render of a cluster of linked colorful particles

Natural Language Processing M.S.

Meet your CSE advising team

Drop-in advising hours

Tuesday – Thursday, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, in person
Prospective students, including pathway students, please first send your questions to before scheduling an appointment

Graduate Director

Graduate Student Advisor
(Last names A – J)

Appointments (30 minutes):
Wednesdays & Thursdays,
9:30am – 11:30am
(813) 459-4157

Graduate Student Advisor
(Last names K – L)

Appointments (30 minutes):
Wednesdays & Thursdays,
9:30am – 11:00am
(408) 919-8952

Graduate Student Advisor
(Last names M – Z)

Appointments (30 minutes):
Tuesdays & Fridays,
9:30am – 11:30am
(813) 459-5455

Last modified: Mar 12, 2025